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Weekly Update - May 27th 2011

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Weekly Update - May 27th 2011 Empty Weekly Update - May 27th 2011

Post by Darkwing 2011-05-27, 14:42

Weekly Blue Planet Trafficshare Update
May 27th 2011

This week has been hectic! First up an apology, one for it being late and two for it being later than promised. However, here it is, albeit a bit shorter this week.

Trafficshare Announcements
This week there isn't too much to share along the lines of Trafficshare. Naturally we only have few websites as part of the Trafficshare exchange so it would be really appreciated if you knew of any sites that might be interested, to please contact me or Honor (chris.cameron@blueplanetrp.com or honor@blueplanetrp.com). Also, we're looking to name these weekly updates and we're voting between the names Traffic Tuesday or Trafficshare Tuesday. Submit your vote via e-mail, or log onto Facebook and fill out the poll on our Facebook page.

Current Trafficshare Sites

Section 31 Roleplay
Weekly Update - May 27th 2011 S31ban10
Section 31 Roleplay is primarily a RPG-X Based Group, onto which we
roleplay on our 2 servers. We are a group of people aiming to create a
welcoming environment, onto which our officers can relax and enjoy their
time. We do not wish to burden anyone with lots of responsibilities, or
make them feel like they are not wanted, as everyone in our community
Battlestar Valfreyja
Weekly Update - May 27th 2011 Bsvban10
[i]Welcome to The Battlestar Valfreyja, BS-03. Have you got what it takes
to defend your 12 colonies against the Cylon threat. if you have. Enlist
aboard Virgon's own. See you at boot camp Nugget!.

The Section 31 RPs now fully support Star Trek Online as one of their games and they currently have a fleet in game. Also, the Section 31 forum has gone through a graphical overhaul thanks to Honor from Blue Planet. The site now has a new skin and on top of that their has been a major overhaul to the Starship Challenger sim. Check it out: http://www.section31rp.co.uk/challenger.
Star Trek Serenity, an RPG-X SRP was Canceled as the creator no longer has the time to run it.

Flash Trek: The Unofficial Forum
Weekly Update - May 27th 2011 Ftbann10
FT:TUF is a general site for sci-fi fans and a home away from home for many. Starting out as a basis for the Broken Mirror 3 flash game, FT:TUF has since expanded to become much more than just a sci-fi forum!

The main news for FT:TUF is the start-up of a new RP. Working this time in a fantasy realm, the RP will be loosely based on the Dragonage video game series. The game is currently being set-up, but user input is definitely being accepted. Log into Flash Trek The Unofficial Forum to help support this new RP.

Blue Planet General Update
Obviously the main news for Blue Planet this week is the site failure over this past weekend. Many of you logged on to find the site wasn't loading at all. Unfortunately, the host of Blue Planet suffered a severe and unexpected crash which took nearly a full day to restore. However, because of that, one of our members who hosts our SQL, was able to put up a back-up site which was fully functional. So should the server ever crash again, we do have a back-up site. Any content that is posted there is retained on the main site and vice versa, so no data is lost, you don't even need to register a new account. You simply log on with your normal username and password!
The alternate site can be found at http://www.bprpalt.info so bookmark this URL in case the site should crash. Of course if you have any questions about this alternate site, you can ask any of our Ask Us members, or send an e-mail to tucker@tuckerd.info

Creative Suite
At the Creative Suite this week, we'd like to share a short story written by Darkwing. This short is very relevant to the Darkwing: Continuum RP and is intended to be part of a series that will bridge the story arcs together.

Darkwing wrote:A Journey's Beginning
The tall form of Simon Rivers hovered in the brightly lit doorway, his shadow long and merging with the dark room. He simply stood there, allowing his presence to be absorbed into whoever was in the room. Finally taking a step in, there was the sound of a slight shuffle. Holding out his arm, a disruptor pistol could be seen, silhouetted in Rivers’ shadow.

“I know you’re in here,” Rivers whispered, just loud enough to be heard by the other in the lonely room. “You can’t hide from me forever,” he taunted. There was momentary silence, before the response of shuffling feet as somebody tried to scramble and run. With acute aim, Rivers’ arm swung about and a bright green energy blast discharged from the nuzzle of the weapon. The body collapsed as Rivers had hit his mark. Pulling out a flashlight, Rivers walked further into the room, finally coming to stop over the crumpled body on the floor.

Kneeling down, Rivers turned the body over. He was still breathing, albeit shallowly, as death was at his door. The man was a frail looking sort with scraggly hair and sweat beaded around his eyes. His face was gaunt and ghostly, fitting for the end he was about to meet. Despite all of this, Rivers looked down on the man with a sort of sadness.

“I warned you not to run,” Rivers said solemnly, “but I really need what we agreed upon!”
The man gasped some, trembling, trying to hold on a moment longer to the life that once was his. Opening his mouth, he tried to speak, but all that he could muster was a gurgling sound as fluid began to enter his lungs. Changing tactics, the man slowly, weakly, reached into his pocket. Fumbling in it for a moment, his shaking hand finally retreated, a piece of parchment like material firmly clutched in his fist. Holding it out, he offered it to Rivers. Reaching out with his own hand, Rivers wrapped his fingers around the coarse material, taking it from the dying man.

“Be careful,” the man finally gasped out as his hand hit the ground and his eyes rolled back into his head. Kneeling there for a moment longer, as if to pay respect to the dead man, Rivers waited. Finally deciding it was time to continue, Rivers stood, looking down at the corpse at his feet before turning on his heal and exiting the room.

Entering into the light, Rivers looked about the bustling crowd on the space station. So many people, yet it would take a shockingly long time for them to discover the dead body in the dark maintenance closet. Hunching his shoulders, Rivers began to walk, disappearing into the crowd. As he walked, he held open his hand, revealing the piece of ancient parchment that he had reclaimed off of his now dead contact. The universe had changed, that much was for certain, but the extent of that change wasn’t over yet. He had a responsibility, to himself, to the people and he couldn’t let anything get in the way.

Finally arriving at his destination, Rivers flashed a small piece of ID to the guard standing watch over the docking bay. Having been let through, Rivers headed for a small shuttle craft. The craft was dull and grey, a standard shuttle a civilian might use, something that wouldn’t attract attention. As Rivers entered the shuttle however, he couldn’t shake that strange tingling sensation in the back of his neck, that one you have when somebody was watching you.

The shuttle lifted off, leaving the station behind. Setting the controls to automatic, the small craft jumped to warp speed, heading for its next destination. Finally able to relax a little, Rivers sat back in his chair, now able to take a good look at his prize. The parchment was torn, obviously a piece to a larger item. On it were markings, drawings more like, in a sort of ink based form. Holding it up to the light, Rivers could make out faint writing, location names perhaps.

Spinning around in his chair, Rivers faced a table with the other pieces of parchment lying together. This was the last piece, the key. Gently placing his new piece in the center he looked at it. It was a simple map of a village, pre-industrial by the looks of it. Sitting back, he looked at it, unsure. This was it? Just a map of a village. The names were meaningless. It was simply as it looked, just an old map of an old village. No clues, no hints, nothing even resembling what he was looking for.

Turning around, Rivers looked into the deep abyss of space, the stars streaking by. All that he had gone through, the time, the lives. All for an antiquated and completely irrelevant map. His mind began to drift, reflecting on what had happened over the past year. So much had changed. Turning back around once more to face the map, Rivers couldn’t help but feel as if he was missing something, this couldn’t be all there was, something had to be hidden in this map. Staring at it, his mind began to drift some more and then he saw it. Standing up over the map, he walked around the table, blurring his vision a little. So simple and always there. Rivers chuckled lightly to himself.

The time was at hand. Sitting back down in his chair, he tapped in some new coordinates, setting the ship on a new direction. A new direction to change everything.

-Darkwing, A Taste of Darkwing

The Water Cooler
Make People Laugh
Comedy. We all know it. It is that force that binds us, flows through us and I'm reading the wrong script!
This week at the Cooler, we'd like to make you laugh! Or maybe let you make us laugh! Either way, somebody's laughing, why? Well, because laughter is just one of those things that makes us united in our differences! So without further to do, here's some great funny content found by our members at Blue Planet!
Weekly Update - May 27th 2011 Unemployment_Demotivational_Posters_2010-s500x400-37301-580
Weekly Update - May 27th 2011 2efl2rd
Weekly Update - May 27th 2011 Funny-pictures-one-of-your-cats-just-exploded
Weekly Update - May 27th 2011 2vc73tv

Of course there's much more, so come check it out and have a laugh or two!
Make People Laugh, The Water Cooler

RP Updates
A few things to note this week regarding RPs, one is that Illusions of Fantasy has been cancelled due to the lacking of direction and time to run this RP. On the plus side though, Atlantis is soon to be started with details below. Also, Star Wars Rebellion has been open for about a week or so now, so join up and become part of the Star Wars universe!

Current RPs
Stargate Command
Stargate: SG-1 alternate reality. Archeology, science, and military
types alike must work together for the exploration of the universe and
the protection of our planet. Gear up, head out, and kick some alien
tale! Or make friends with them. Just survive to protect Earth and
return home.

Omega Base
The next generation of Stargate personnel travel to the Frontier Galaxy.
A new galaxy, new worlds, new cultures, and new enemies. What
adventures awaits the new generation of SGC personnel? Are you up to
the challenge?

The Pegasus Galaxy. The Lost City. New dangers await our Stargate teams
as they become the resident caretakers of the City of the Ancients. New
friends, new faces, new dangers, and a whole lot of new territory.

In Atlantis news, the Atlantis RP will be starting up soon, June 3rd to be precise!
Honor wrote:We will be starting in the thick of a mess. There will be plenty of conflict to begin with.

The time frame has not changed. The past several missions have ended in Wraith cullings. The last three have not gone that far, but the Wraith are indeed showing up. Ryl is now 8 months pregnant with the twins.

Darkwing Continuum
Existence itself is being threatened! With a dark and ancient threat
finally coming to light, secrets will be revealed and sides determined.
The pillars of the universe are about to fall and the only thing that
stands in the way of space being destroyed, is the crew of the

DW:C has some exciting news this week. First of all, Episode IV from Pillars of the Universe has started, this time picking up immediately after Episode III. With three of the four Pillars destroyed, most of existence has been eliminated! Trapped on a disabled Darkwing, many of the crew are injured and unaware of the truth soon to be revealed!
Episode IV will effectively mark the climax of Pillars of the Universe with Episode V to conclude the story arc. However, this does not by any way mean that DW:C will be over! In fact the next two story arcs have been planned! For a sneak peak and a few hints as to what's coming, here are the graphical logos for the next two story arcs:

Weekly Update - May 27th 2011 Rebirt10
Weekly Update - May 27th 2011 Dwlogo10

If you want to catch up or simply re-read Pillars of the Universe thus far, you can download the PDF files for each episode here!

Solar Exodus
Set in the future where mankind has been forced to leave Earth after a
dying sun begins destroying the solar system. Take your place amongst
humanities last survivors, journey far into space and see how far your
‘humanity’ keeps you safe with Wolves as your only saviors...

Annals of Lystra
Horses. Knights. Damsels in distress. Life in the huts, or life in the
palace? You decide. Take up residence in Lystra, under King Karel's
rule, and try to make a life for yourself. That is, of course, if you
manage to survive disease and rogue Warriors.

The Christian Crusade
Join Jake McCormick and the Crusade, Christians against the evils of
this Universe. Demonic forces are attacking all around - it is the
Redemption's job to lead the physical war. But they also understand a
much deeper purpose and strength than your average futuristic battle for

Star Wars: Rebellion
People are chafing under Imperial Rule, and war is on the horizon. Maybe
you're a Jedi in hiding. Maybe you're a simple farmer, who decided to
join the fight. Maybe you're a diplomat, working the Rebellion
underground. You get to choose!

Star Wars Rebellion is now open for gameplay! If you haven’t registered your character yet, do so to join in the Star Wars universe!

Questions, Comments, Contact
Again many apologies for the tardiness of this update! Naturally our Trafficshare section is open to anyone, so please, log in or register and help give us a taste of your site to share! The Trafficshare system is open to more than just the official reps of the sites and we'd love to have content in from other members! Again we'd like to remind the official reps to make sure they have their weekly updates in to Darkwing by Monday of each week!
Of course any questions, comments or anything relating to Trafficshare, feel free to e-mail me at chris.cameron@blueplanetrp.com
Also, don't forget to check out our Facebook Page it's a great way to keep updated on what's happening and should events like this past weekend occur, we're generally very on top of what's going on!

Male Number of posts : 17810
Age : 33
Location : Everywhere
Registration date : 2007-10-13


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