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Report for school

Meganew Trek
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Report for school Empty Report for school

Post by Gnatsirt269 2009-04-02, 13:28

I was wondering if you guys could rate this for me. (comments, criticism, so on.)

The World perspectives on death

What happens after death? There are many schools of thought on this subject. In the following report, we will go over religious and non-religious views on what happens after death.

To the Christian, death is a way to escape the world. The Christian believes that if they believe that Jesus dies on the cross for their sins and leads a sinless life that they will be saved and go to heaven. Heaven is a place where those who followed God and Jesus go after death to live eternally.This is the bright view of what happens after you die. Unless of course, if you deny God, you go to Hell. The Christians believe that Hell is a place of horror, death and fire. This is the "un"bright view of what happens after death, to a Christan.

The Jews believe that after death, there are several stages to go though. The first stage is where they get judged, weather they followed Gods commandments or not. The second stage is where they go to Hell, for 11 months to cleanse their souls of blemishes. If they committed a horrible crime though, their soul is destroyed. After the experience in Hell, they say that they go to Heaven with God and experience bliss. The amount of bliss depends on how good their worldly life was.This is one version, although I have read that their views vary widely.

Muslims believe that this life is a trail for the next life. They believe that after death, they go to Janna (Paradise, Heaven) also called:Jannatu al-Khuld, Darul as-Salam, Darul al-Qarar, Jannatu al-`Adn, Jannatu al-Ma`wa, Jannatu an-Na`im, `Illiyin, and Jannatu al-Firdaus. Entrance into paradise is limited to those who believe in God and His profets.They believe that in paradise, they will have 72 virgins.

According to Buddhism, after death one is either reborn into another body (reincarnated) or enters nirvana. Only Buddhas - those who have attained enlightenment - will achieve the latter destination. The believe in "Tranmigration", or reincarnation. That means the taking of a new body. Nirvana is the final of death and rebirth. Nirvana really means "to extinguish". Budda says of Nirvana:
....it is recognized that there is nothing but what is seen of the mind itself; where, recognizing the nature of the self-mind, one no longer cherishes the dualism of discrimination; where there is no more thirst nor grasping; where there is no more attachment to external things.

Hindus believe in reincarnation. They believe that the soul is immortal and that it is part of the Jiva, the limited being who is subject to the impurities of attachment. They believe that death, therefore, is not a great clamity, but a natural process. They believe in two paths. The path of the Sun, or bright path, or the path of the moon, tha dark path. If one's soul travel the Sun path, they go to be with the Gods, never to return. If the travel the Moon Path, then he are reincarnated. What happens to the soul when it leaves earth depends on several things.
1. If the person had committed evil deeds then they go to the underworld to suffer for them.
2. His thoughts on what/where he wants to go at death.
3.How it dies. If one dies in battle, for example, they will go to a warriors heaven.
4. Whatever rituals the children preformed at the funeral.

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion. The word Sikh means ‘disciple’ and they are the disciples of God who follow the writings and teachings of the 10 Sikh Gurus. They believe the soul goes through a cycle of birth and death before reaching its human form. The goal of life is to merge with God and to maintain a balance between spiritual and temporal obligations. When they die, they are cremated.

Taoist believe that, to put it simply, a Person is eternal in their own life.Many variations of the after life exist within Taoism.Many Taoists don't even worry about afterlife. Simply, they don't have a defined version of the after life.

Most Atheist/evolutionist don't believe in the after life.

Well, to summarize this, I have one question. Do YOU believe in the after life? If not, do you really want nothing there when you die? I personally believe in the after life (I'm Christian). Another thing, why do people who don't believe in the afterlife get so angry when you talk about it? ;-) I've read what atheist have said about the afterlife, and they say it is someones selfish desire. Not really. That means I could say, it is an evolutionist selfish desire to be a "perfect" man.

All info in this report was taken from the internet, so it may not be all true. (WAS put in my own words)

Male Number of posts : 503
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Registration date : 2009-02-13


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Report for school Empty Re: Report for school

Post by Meganew Trek 2009-04-02, 13:37

Meganew Trek
Meganew Trek

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Report for school Empty Re: Report for school

Post by FlashFreak22 2009-04-02, 17:49

...Fart! Actually, this is good thinking. I have been pondering about death for a long time. I'm not one to give opinions though.

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Report for school Empty Re: Report for school

Post by Philly Homer 2009-04-02, 20:24

Fix up the grammar a bit. And the one on Christianity is a bit off...
Philly Homer
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Post by Thingy 2009-04-02, 20:38

I dont think most muslims believe they will get 72 virgins when they die. Only terrorists and other extremists do. I know alot of real muslims (most of them even live in egypt) and they dont think they'll get any virgins, just paradise. Except that, i guess you could add some more details, your own thoughts about it and improve grammar.

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Report for school Empty Re: Report for school

Post by Gnatsirt269 2009-04-02, 21:47

Alkanosis wrote:Fix up the grammar a bit. And the one on Christianity is a bit off...

Well, there are different religions, and that is what mine teaches.

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Report for school Empty Re: Report for school

Post by Philly Homer 2009-04-02, 22:05

Gnatsirt269 wrote:The Christian believes that if they believe that Jesus dies on the cross for their sins and leads a sinless life that they will be saved and go to heaven.

Should be in past tense, since it was in the past (no way!.) And the "leads a sinless life" bit is a big ambiguous, since it could refer to Jesus or the Christian. Here's my suggested change to that.

Christians believe that if they believe Jesus died on the cross for their sins and he led a sinless life, they will be saved and go to heaven.

At least, that's what I'm hoping you mean. This change is a bit more succinct and not so... pleonastic.
Philly Homer
Philly Homer

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Report for school Empty Re: Report for school

Post by Gnatsirt269 2009-04-03, 11:28

O.K. thanks. I'll change that. (Although a Christian should try to lead a sinless life too.)
I will say no more though, as not to create a religious argument. tongue

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Report for school Empty Re: Report for school

Post by Darkwing 2009-04-03, 17:09

i'll read this in more detail later, but i skimmed it, looks intriguing

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